HoloLens Designed by Microsoft Device Design Team

Industrial Design

The perfect solution of 'one size fits all'.

The Microsoft HoloLens offers a new kind of experience based on holographic representation technology. This wireless computer comes in the shape of a curved visor that projects holograms in the user’s physical environment. Users can both place the holographic objects and interact with them. The main innovation of HoloLens is that rather than trying to block users from reality and their environment, it embeds the holographic objects into the world around them. The way the unit is operated is highly enticing: users interact via an interface of natural appearance – using gaze, voice as well as hand gestures. HoloLens was therefore equipped with very high computing power, and it features multiple sensors, speakers as well as a high-performance holographic processing unit. The visor was optimised ergonomically for peripheral viewing and uses infrared light to dimensionally track not only the user’s hand gestures but also the room around the user. Its spherical visor understands where users are looking, it recognises their voice commands and can spatially map their surroundings. The self-sufficient holographic representations of Microsoft HoloLens create a consistently enhanced reality – a reality that captivates and lifts users into new spheres.

HoloLens x NASA

Paul Bosveld, Nicolas Denhez, YeongKyu Yoo, Phil Frank, Young Duk Song, Henric Jentz, Aditha Adams.
Special thanks. Cloud&Co (Seoul),Travis Hosler.

HoloLens Designed by Microsoft Device Design Team

HoloLens Designed by Microsoft Device Design Team

Microsoft HoloLens is the first fully untethered, holographic computer, enabling high-definition holograms to integrate with your world.
